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As Time Passed,,

hE aLwaYs gAvE mE FuLL c0ntRoL, tHou9 n0t oN mY s!dE bUt I d’Nt kn0w wHat hE waZ d0!ng, d!d’Nt kn0w !F hE ReaLLy d0eZ make a sPec!aL h0pE,,

n0w hE’s theRe aNd I’m heRe,, d0’nT kn0w h0w Long th!z w!LL apply,, I jUst L!ve w!th0uT kn0w!ng wHat hApPenEd tHen,,

s0meT!mEz I wAnt t0 bLamE thE t!mE,,hE c0uLd’nT Rem!nd mE t0 bE more thoRoUghLy eNj0y aLL thE bEaUty,,sHe jUsT RocKed mE !n thE dark,,I cAnT sA!d !n eVas!on oF aLL,,

aNd n0w evRytH!ng hAz bEeN RuNn!n9,, I wAz n0t jUsT tRy!ng bUt I’LL c0nv!cE mY hEaRt onLy FoR y0u,,

d0'nT y0u dEv0tE aLL thE sUsP!c!oUz t0 mE,,

tRusT mE pLeasE,,

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